The closest approach of Jupiter to Earth in nearly 60 years will take place tonight
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The massive gas giant Jupiter will be at its closest point to Earth Monday night, making it the largest and brightest it has been in more than fifty years.
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This planetary maneuver takes place every 13 months as the planet rises in the east at the same time as the sun sets in the west.
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Due to Jupiter's orbit, the gas giant has not been so close to Earth since 1963, which allows astronomers to see it up close and personal.
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Jupiter and Earth have elliptical orbits around the sun, which are not perfect circles, but are elongated orbits - so their distances vary as they travel around the sun.
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As Jupiter approaches Earth in close proximity to the opposition, it is a unique event as he approaches the blue marble so closely this year.
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As Jupiter approaches its closest point, it will be nearly twice as close as it is at its furthest point, roughly 600 million miles from Earth.
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In comparison with Earth, Jupiter is 318 times more massive than all of the other planets in our solar system combined.
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